If you're a unicorn you can email us. You can connect with other unicorns on twitter and facebook.
We keep learning new things. This world is so full of things.
The way mailboxes mysteriously become full is magic.
We'd like to fill yours. Or your friend's.
You'll receive discoveries as we discover them--Field Guides in secret packages.
You can get one - $9
(and if you're abroad, send - $19
You can get one - $11
(and if you're abroad, please send $22
The number 11 is lucky because it represents two horns.
Mysterious packages documenting unicorn activity will arrive throughout the year in the mail. There will be comic books. There will be arm bands. There will be more stickers. And you'll find out about those two Once Unicorns, standing by that airplane hangar across the road from a forest--you'll learn their names. You'll learn how to build a proper sheet fort, and why one of them thinks brains are like French Toast.
You can order a year subscription here - $65
(And international friends, send along $130 for a year subscription)
People call them stickers. We've been putting them on things. They help us find other unicorns in our neighborhoods.
We can use technology to inform you when we've made important discoveries. Don't worry, it won't be too often.